Odrin is a theme specifically created for authors and writes to present and sell their books online. Soufflé tart sweet roll carrot cake icing bear claw dessert oat cake. Lollipop ice cream danish jelly beans cotton candy liquorice cotton candy lemon drops halvah.
Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.
We take care that the books and the content published on Siddhabookstore.com is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.
These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.
Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.
Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.
We take care that the books and the content published on Siddhabookstore.com is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.
These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.
Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.
‘Dhumra Kritya Abhichara’ (Digital Copy) is an introduction to the tantric understanding of epidemics and diseases. It gives an insightful and unique experimental approach to the field of medicine & diseases of plants, animals, and human beings. This book will make one question the way one sees most diseases that one sees around – especially the incurable diseases whose causes or cures are still unknown.
ISBM 111-91-68325-1
How did the universe come into existence? Who created the universe? How did it all begin? What is the origin of time, space and everything? Is time travel possible? Can we predict the future? Is there a parallel universe? Should we colonize space? Will we survive on earth? These are some of the questions this book covers. ‘Brief Answers To The Big Questions’ is a digital book on basic, important and yet extremely profound questions about origin of the universe, time, space and other ideas of science, from the perspective of a Maha Siddha from Himalaya. It is an insightful book on questions that still remains unsolved by science. This book is written in the format of traditional āgama & nigama. This book contains records of conversation between Maha Siddha Ishaputra- who is the head of the most ancient seat of knoweldge of Himalaya, and his consort Mā Padma Priya. It is a compilation of series of conversation between them based on a book titled ‘Brief Answers To The Big Questions’ by the late renowned scientist Stephen Hawking. The conversations happened between them during their tour to Switzerland in November 2019. After reading this book, you will understand the deepest mysteries of the universe. You will know about the wisdom of the ancient Siddhas on topics that are part of latest research in science & technology, many still remains unsolved by the modern science.
देव प्रायश्चित एवं प्रवेश मंत्र विधान इस लघु ग्रन्थ में ‘सिद्ध परम्परा’ की ‘देव प्रायश्चित एवं प्रवेश मंत्र विधान’ की विधियों का संकलन है, जो कि ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ साधनाओं और परम्पराओं का ‘वर्तमान’ में भी प्रमुख भाग है। ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ का अधिकांश पूजन क्रम ‘कौलान्तक पीठाधीश्वर पूजन’, ‘कुल देवी-देवता पूजन’, ‘योगिनी मण्डल पूजन’, ‘गुरु मण्डल पूजन’ जैसे पूजन विधानों पर आधारित होते हैं। प्रस्तुत लघु कलेवर ग्रन्थ को स्वयं ‘ज्येष्ठ कौलान्तक पीठाधीश्वरी माँ पद्मप्रिया नाथ’ जी ने संकलित किया है। इस लघु कलेवर ग्रन्थ का उद्देश्य आपको ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ की साधनाओं और परम्पराओं से परिचित करवाना है। यदि आप सिद्धों के आध्यात्मिक संसार में आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं तो आपको अपने बुरे कर्मों का प्रायश्चित करना पड़ता है। जिसके लिए ‘देव प्रायश्चित’ का विधान प्रचलित है और यदि आप कोई भी साधना करना चाहते हैं तो उसके लिए आपको प्रथमत: ‘प्रवेश मंत्र का विधान’ संपन्न करना पड़ता है। ‘प्रवेश मंत्र’ के बाद ही आप ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ की साधनाओं को संपन्न कर पाते हैं। तो आप ये सब अपने ही घर पर कैसे कर सकते हैं? इसकी प्रायोगिक ‘कौलाचारी कर्मकाण्डीय लघु विधि’ इस ग्रन्थ में वर्णित है। यदि आप साधक हैं तो आपको ये लघु किन्तु अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण ग्रंथ की डिजिटल कॉपी अवश्य मन भायेगा।
यह लघु कलेवर ग्रन्थ (डिजिटल कॉपी) ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ से जुड़ी ‘प्रारम्भिक जानकारियों से भरा है। जो भी व्यक्ति ‘कौल सिद्ध धर्म’ पर आधारित ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ के बारे में जानना चाहता है। उसे सदा ही ये संशय रहता है कि वो ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ को जानने की कहां से शुरुआत करे? ‘सिद्ध धर्म’ में सिद्धों का पूजन, दीक्षा, साधना आदि क्या और क्यों होती है? ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ वास्तव में है क्या? ऐसे बहुत से प्रश्न मन में निरंतर चलते रहते हैं?
कोई ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ में ‘दीक्षा’ प्राप्त करना चाहता है। कोई ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ के गुरुकुल ‘सिद्ध विद्या पीठ’ में आ कर ज्ञान व विद्या ग्रहण करना चाहता है। किसी के ह्रदय में ‘गुरुमण्डल’ को जानने की जिज्ञासा भी है। बहुत से जिज्ञासु यन्त्र और मंडल के बारे में जानना चाहते हैं और इन दोनों में क्या अंतर है? ये जानना-सीखना चाहते हैं। साधारण दीक्षा, विशेष दीक्षा, सूक्ष्म दीक्षा क्या होती है ये जानना चाहते हैं।
तो ये लघु ग्रन्थ ‘जिज्ञासा’ आपके सभी 100 प्रश्नों का उत्तर देगा। इस ग्रन्थ को स्वयं ‘कौलान्तक पीठाधीश्वरी- गुरु माँ पद्मप्रिया नाथ’ जी ने लिखा व सम्पादित किया है। इस ग्रन्थ को प्रश्नोत्तर के रूप में लिखा गया है। इसे पढ़ते हुए आपका ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ व ‘सिद्ध परम्परा’ सम्बंधित ज्ञान अवश्य बढ़ेगा। यह ग्रन्थ आपको हिमालय के योगियों के अद्भुत संसार से भी परिचित करवाएगा।
‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ व इसकी परम्पराओं को समझने का यह ‘प्रारंभिक’ ग्रन्थ है। इसे पढ़ने के बाद ही आपको ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ आ कर ‘दीक्षा’, ‘ज्ञान’ व साधना सीखनी चाहिए। ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ आपकी अपनी ‘ज्ञान परम्परा’ है इसे जानना और इसका ज्ञान रखना आपके लिए बहुत आवश्यक है। इसी उद्देश्य को सम्मुख रख कर, आपके लिए इस ग्रन्थ की डिजिटल कॉपी को संकलित किया गया है। आशा है आपको हमारा ये प्रयास पसंद आएगा।
Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.
We take care that the books and the content published on Siddhabookstore.com is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.
These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.
Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.
Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.
We take care that the books and the content published on Siddhabookstore.com is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.
These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.
Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.
Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.
We take care that the books and the content published on Siddhabookstore.com is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.
These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.
Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.
Donut chocolate bar cake gummies sweet tart cookie macaroon caramels. Candy canes bear claw cotton candy tootsie roll danish jelly. Tart topping chocolate bar sweet roll. Jelly beans jelly beans sweet roll.
Halvah bonbon sweet tart marzipan gingerbread gummi bears chocolate cookie. Carrot cake cheesecake cotton candy cookie. Pie pudding toffee macaroon bear claw jelly beans jujubes brownie croissant. Bonbon brownie lemon drops lemon drops sweet marshmallow liquorice.
Pudding croissant cake candy canes fruitcake sweet roll pastry gummies sugar plum. Tart pastry danish soufflé donut bear claw chocolate cake marshmallow chupa chups. Jelly danish gummi bears cake donut powder chocolate cake. Jelly-o caramels cookie marshmallow gingerbread.
A story that will really make you tremble with anticipation!
Carrot cake chocolate cake gummies ice cream. Croissant chocolate lemon drops lemon drops cotton candy biscuit. Soufflé tart sweet roll carrot cake icing bear claw dessert oat cake. Lollipop ice cream danish jelly beans cotton candy liquorice cotton candy lemon drops halvah. Candy caramels jelly beans.
She has work appearing or forthcoming in over a dozen venues, including Buzzy Mag, The Spirit of Poe, and the British Fantasy Society journal Dark Horizons. Kate is also CEO of a company, specializing in custom book publishing and social media marketing services, have created a community for authors to learn and connect.