
Deva Mahamudra

(1 customer review)
ISBM 111-91-68321-1
Book Type : E-Book

In the Tradition of Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas, there are twenty-one ‘Mahamudras’ out of which one of them is the ‘Deva Mahamudra’. Kulant Peeth (Kaulantak Peeth) is the only source of the hidden wisdom on ‘Mahamudras’ where the Siddha Guru passes on the esoteric essence of the ‘Mahamudra’ to the worthy disciple under the strict Guru-Shishya Tradition.

In this book, the secrets of ‘Deva Parampara’ and its spiritual intricacies are brought to light so that the seeker can understand the complexities of the spiritual tradition of the Himalayan Siddhas known as the ‘Deva Parampara’.

‘Deva Mahamudra’ means a gift given by the ‘Devatas’ (the Divine Beings) to the Himalayan Siddhas. This book will broaden your knowledge and will equip you with an entirely new perspective for your spiritual awakening.


Humans have always had a deep longing to know himself and the things around him. For this he took support of knowledge, science, Dharm and spirituality since ages and continues to do so. But at both sides of humans, that is in the outer world and the inner world, infinity exists. He takes care of his outside world through knowledge and science, while takes care of the inner world through the ways of knowledge and Dharm. So the joy of exploring the inner and the outer worlds is the greatest happiness that exist on this planet. The book on ‘Deva Mahamudra’ will help the true seeker to discover what he should nurture in himself for his spiritual awakening. It is one of the most precise guide to realise the nature of oneself and the nature of this world. It is written with the intention to bring the unknown aspects of the path of ‘Deva Mahamudra’- One of the paths to spiritual awakening that exist in the Guru-Shishya Paramara of the Himalayan Siddhas.

Experience of The Mahasiddha

This book contains the spiritual treasure in form of scanned copies of the original handwritten experience of the Kaulantak Nath, Mahasiddha Ishaputra when He realised the ‘Deva Mahamudra’ in one of the most formidable mountains of the Himalayas. Yogini Ma Shivagni Nath received the original handwritten experience and took permission to present the spiritual jewels in this book for the benefit of this world and for the future generations. She scanned the manuscript and edited the scanned images to honour the book of ‘Deva Mahamudra’.

‘Deva Mahamudra’ Yantra & Paintings

The book presents the seekers with the image of the Sacred ‘Deva Mahamudra’ Yantra found in the secret library of Kaulantak Peeth (Kulant Peeth) in the Himalayas. The book unfolds the most exquisite original, hand-painted paintings of the chief Deities that help the worthy one to attain the ‘Deva Mahamudra’.

Unique Content & Simple Writing Style

The book presents the true experience of the Mahasiddha who dedicated His whole life, since He was three years of age, in knowing and practicing the ways to the highest form of Enlightenment in the ‘Siddha Dharm’ of the Himalayan Siddhas. The book is written in extremely simple style with the meanings of the original Sanskrit terms given next to each term for the reader to retain his/her focus on the subject. It is written by a very considerate practitioner of ‘Deva Mahamudra’ who is gifted with an in-depth understanding of the problems that the seekers face on their spiritual journey.

1 Review for Deva Mahamudra

  1. 5 out of 5

    Devendra sharma

    Devendra sharma

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