The Opening Invocation

ISBM 111-91-68323-1
Book Type : E-Book


Embark on a transformative journey through the mystical realms of prayer with “The Opening Invocation.” This captivating book delves into the profound significance of prayer in human life, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of the Himalayan sages and the rich spiritual tradition of the Bhairav-Bhairavi gan of Kulant Peeth.

Within these pages, readers will encounter a small yet profoundly impactful prayer, uttered by a Bhairav on the majestic Mount Jogini Gandha. This prayer, steeped in centuries-old tradition, holds the names of 38 revered Gurus of Mahasiddh Ishputra, symbolizing the depth and breadth of spiritual lineage.

As you immerse yourself in the essence of prayer, you’ll discover its pivotal role as the first step on the spiritual path. Explore the timeless wisdom passed down by the sages of the Himalayas, who have bestowed primacy upon the act of prayer as a gateway to divine connection and inner transformation.

“The Opening Invocation” invites readers to contemplate the power of forgiveness, the beauty of praise, and the profound significance of Guru remembrance, as elucidated by the Himalayan sages. Through engaging with this text, you’ll be guided to unlock the hidden potential of prayer in your own life, fostering spiritual growth and awakening.

Whether you’re a seasoned seeker or a curious explorer of spiritual truths, “The Opening Invocation” offers invaluable insights and practices to deepen your connection with the divine. Let this book be your companion on the journey to self-discovery, as you embrace the timeless wisdom of prayer and the sacred teachings of the Himalayan sages.

99.00 50.00
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Himalaya Stuti

ISBM 111-91-68322-1
Book Type : E-Book

Mountains are considered sacred in the tradition of Siddha Dharm. The Geometry of every mountain is auspicious and carry a secret meaning. Amongst the mountains, the Himalayas are considered as one of the most Divine spaces on planet Earth. In the tradition of Siddha Dharma, the Himalayas are considered as the sacred space of the Yogini Goddesses, the Devatas, the Kinnars, Kirata, Nagas, Dakinis, Shakinis and more.

The heart that harbours devotion in it has the power to establish connection with everything material and that which is beyond material through power of powerful prayers. One can receive the ‘Teja’, the Divine Energy and the knowledge from every mountain present on this planet. While Himalayas are the source of immense wisdom, secret knowledge and limitless Divine energy.

This short book on ‘Himalaya Stuti’ presents the treasure knowledge to receive the blessings from the mountains.


399.00 250.00
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Deva Mahamudra

ISBM 111-91-68321-1
Book Type : E-Book

In the Tradition of Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas, there are twenty-one ‘Mahamudras’ out of which one of them is the ‘Deva Mahamudra’. Kulant Peeth (Kaulantak Peeth) is the only source of the hidden wisdom on ‘Mahamudras’ where the Siddha Guru passes on the esoteric essence of the ‘Mahamudra’ to the worthy disciple under the strict Guru-Shishya Tradition.

In this book, the secrets of ‘Deva Parampara’ and its spiritual intricacies are brought to light so that the seeker can understand the complexities of the spiritual tradition of the Himalayan Siddhas known as the ‘Deva Parampara’.

‘Deva Mahamudra’ means a gift given by the ‘Devatas’ (the Divine Beings) to the Himalayan Siddhas. This book will broaden your knowledge and will equip you with an entirely new perspective for your spiritual awakening.

4,900.00 3,400.00
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Siddha Yoga

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Dhumra Kritya Abhichara – eBook

‘Dhumra Kritya Abhichara’ (Digital Copy) is an introduction to the tantric understanding of epidemics and diseases. It gives an insightful and unique experimental approach to the field of medicine & diseases of plants, animals, and human beings. This book will make one question the way one sees most diseases that one sees around – especially the incurable diseases whose causes or cures are still unknown.

1,800.00 999.00
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Brief Answer to The Big Questions

ISBM 111-91-68325-1

How did the universe come into existence? Who created the universe? How did it all begin? What is the origin of time, space and everything? Is time travel possible? Can we predict the future? Is there a parallel universe? Should we colonize space? Will we survive on earth? These are some of the questions this book covers. ‘Brief Answers To The Big Questions’ is a digital book on basic, important and yet extremely profound questions about origin of the universe, time, space and other ideas of science, from the perspective of a Maha Siddha from Himalaya. It is an insightful book on questions that still remains unsolved by science. This book is written in the format of traditional āgama & nigama. This book contains records of conversation between Maha Siddha Ishaputra- who is the head of the most ancient seat of knoweldge of Himalaya, and his consort Mā Padma Priya. It is a compilation of series of conversation between them based on a book titled ‘Brief Answers To The Big Questions’ by the late renowned scientist Stephen Hawking. The conversations happened between them during their tour to Switzerland in November 2019. After reading this book, you will understand the deepest mysteries of the universe. You will know about the wisdom of the ancient Siddhas on topics that are part of latest research in science & technology, many still remains unsolved by the modern science.

4,999.00 3,999.00
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Deva Prayshchit & Pravesh Mantra Vidhanam

देव प्रायश्चित एवं प्रवेश मंत्र विधान इस लघु ग्रन्थ में ‘सिद्ध परम्परा’ की ‘देव प्रायश्चित एवं प्रवेश मंत्र विधान’ की विधियों का संकलन है, जो कि ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ साधनाओं और परम्पराओं का ‘वर्तमान’ में भी प्रमुख भाग है। ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ का अधिकांश पूजन क्रम ‘कौलान्तक पीठाधीश्वर पूजन’, ‘कुल देवी-देवता पूजन’, ‘योगिनी मण्डल पूजन’, ‘गुरु मण्डल पूजन’ जैसे पूजन विधानों पर आधारित होते हैं। प्रस्तुत लघु कलेवर ग्रन्थ को स्वयं ‘ज्येष्ठ कौलान्तक पीठाधीश्वरी माँ पद्मप्रिया नाथ’ जी ने संकलित किया है। इस लघु कलेवर ग्रन्थ का उद्देश्य आपको ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ की साधनाओं और परम्पराओं से परिचित करवाना है। यदि आप सिद्धों के आध्यात्मिक संसार में आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं तो आपको अपने बुरे कर्मों का प्रायश्चित करना पड़ता है। जिसके लिए ‘देव प्रायश्चित’ का विधान प्रचलित है और यदि आप कोई भी साधना करना चाहते हैं तो उसके लिए आपको प्रथमत: ‘प्रवेश मंत्र का विधान’ संपन्न करना पड़ता है। ‘प्रवेश मंत्र’ के बाद ही आप ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ की साधनाओं को संपन्न कर पाते हैं। तो आप ये सब अपने ही घर पर कैसे कर सकते हैं? इसकी प्रायोगिक ‘कौलाचारी कर्मकाण्डीय लघु विधि’ इस ग्रन्थ में वर्णित है। यदि आप साधक हैं तो आपको ये लघु किन्तु अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण ग्रंथ की डिजिटल कॉपी अवश्य मन भायेगा।

2,500.00 1,500.00
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यह लघु कलेवर ग्रन्थ (डिजिटल कॉपी) ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ से जुड़ी ‘प्रारम्भिक जानकारियों से भरा है। जो भी व्यक्ति ‘कौल सिद्ध धर्म’ पर आधारित ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ के बारे में जानना चाहता है। उसे सदा ही ये संशय रहता है कि वो ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ को जानने की कहां से शुरुआत करे? ‘सिद्ध धर्म’ में सिद्धों का पूजन, दीक्षा, साधना आदि क्या और क्यों होती है? ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ वास्तव में है क्या? ऐसे बहुत से प्रश्न मन में निरंतर चलते रहते हैं?

कोई ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ में ‘दीक्षा’ प्राप्त करना चाहता है। कोई ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ के गुरुकुल ‘सिद्ध विद्या पीठ’ में आ कर ज्ञान व विद्या ग्रहण करना चाहता है। किसी के ह्रदय में ‘गुरुमण्डल’ को जानने की जिज्ञासा भी है। बहुत से जिज्ञासु यन्त्र और मंडल के बारे में जानना चाहते हैं और इन दोनों में क्या अंतर है? ये जानना-सीखना चाहते हैं। साधारण दीक्षा, विशेष दीक्षा, सूक्ष्म दीक्षा क्या होती है ये जानना चाहते हैं।

तो ये लघु ग्रन्थ ‘जिज्ञासा’ आपके सभी 100 प्रश्नों का उत्तर देगा। इस ग्रन्थ को स्वयं ‘कौलान्तक पीठाधीश्वरी- गुरु माँ पद्मप्रिया नाथ’ जी ने लिखा व सम्पादित किया है। इस ग्रन्थ को प्रश्नोत्तर के रूप में लिखा गया है। इसे पढ़ते हुए आपका ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ व ‘सिद्ध परम्परा’ सम्बंधित ज्ञान अवश्य बढ़ेगा। यह ग्रन्थ आपको हिमालय के योगियों के अद्भुत संसार से भी परिचित करवाएगा।

‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ व इसकी परम्पराओं को समझने का यह ‘प्रारंभिक’ ग्रन्थ है। इसे पढ़ने के बाद ही आपको ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ आ कर ‘दीक्षा’, ‘ज्ञान’ व साधना सीखनी चाहिए। ‘कौलान्तक पीठ’ आपकी अपनी ‘ज्ञान परम्परा’ है इसे जानना और इसका ज्ञान रखना आपके लिए बहुत आवश्यक है। इसी उद्देश्य को सम्मुख रख कर, आपके लिए इस ग्रन्थ की डिजिटल कॉपी को संकलित किया गया है। आशा है आपको हमारा ये प्रयास पसंद आएगा।

1,199.00 899.00
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Mandavya Sara Tantra

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Royal Ways of Kaulantak Tradition

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Maitri Sutra

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Amrita Shakti Jwalamalini

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Vigyana Bhairava

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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38 Mahasiddh Gurus of Ishaputra

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Guhyeshwari- Laghu Ishta Paddhati – EBOOK

This is a digital book about the three tier-deeksha system in Kaula Siddha dharma when it comes to the worship of any deity or Ishta and in this this book, for the worship of Guhyeshwari Devi. Ishta Paddati by its name implies deity and worship module. This book therefore explains the three ways by which the worship of any deity in Kaula Siddha dharma becomes possible. The three tier-deeksha system is a) atma deeksha or atma abhyasa b) Siddha Guru Diksha and c) Mukhya Vidhya Deeksha.

4,899.00 3,999.00
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Deeksha Vidhanam

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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The Stories of Ishaputra

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Banshira Yuddh Vidya

Deep within the mountain valleys of Himalayas, India lies an ancient art form that embodies both warfare practices and holistic development including physical, mental and spiritual development known as the Banshira Yuddh Vidya. This traditional tribal art of warfare is believed to be one of the oldest art of warfare under the ancient lineage of Himalayan Siddha Dharma. ‘Banshira Vidya’ is also called as the ‘Siddha Yuddh Vidya’ which includes practices from ‘Dhanur Tantram’, ‘Siddha Kshatra Kosh’, ‘Gana Yuddh’ and ‘Dwanda Neeti’.

It requires the practitioner to follow the most rigorous physical training with the toughest of spiritual disciplines of the Himalayan Siddhas. It dates back to such long period of time in the history of Indian Himalayas, that it is hard to trace its exact time period of existence. Today it is on the verge of extinction even in the Himalayan mountains, wherein only a few Himalayan Sadhus and Himalayan Siddhas practice remnants of Banshira Yuddh Vidya.

‘Banshira Devata’ is a well-known Deity in the local Himalayan culture of ‘Deva Parampara’ tradition under Siddha Dharm. Banshira Devata, along with ‘Kahri Gana’ (Khari Yaksha) are the ‘Ganas’ (Yakshas) and are the protector deities of the supreme Goddess Mahamaya (Devi Kurukulla).

290.00 190.00
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Kirit Nath

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Pragalbh Nath

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Shambhar Nath

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Satyendra Nath – Ishaputra

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Shakt Kram Pujana

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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The MahaSiddhas of Himalayas did the Sadhna of ‘Antarikshcharas’ and learnt that one can fly and explore the depths of the vast space. Space is infinite, extremely vast and is also dangerous for human beings. It is said that the ‘Antarikshcharas’ know many secrets of the space. ‘Antarikshcharas’ are considered as the beings of Higher consciousness like ’Devatas’. But they have Tamasic attributes in their basic nature. They are also known to be the Devatas of the deep space. Because they fly in the space and have the capacity to visit the planet Earth, so people have been scared of them. Therefore, in some ‘Granths’ (sacred texts) of Siddha Dharm, they are also shown as the ‘Bhoot’, ‘Preta’ and ‘Daityas’ (demons).

The Mahasiddhas of Himalayas received the ‘Vidya’ from ‘Antarikshacharas’ and according to the legends, few Mahasiddhas went with them in the space and returned after seeing and visiting the depths of space. These Mahasiddhas began to pass on the knowledge of the ‘Brahmand’ (universe) to their disciples and inspired them to go on a journey into the space. This is the first book which is being presented to the public containing the knowledge on the Mahasiddhas and the ‘antarikshcharas’ from the lineage of the Himalayan Siddhas. The other ‘Granths’ (sacred texts) are still kept secret under the Siddha Dharm tradition.

290.00 190.00
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The Brain Clones

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Future Human Race

ISBM 135-91-68345-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Pralaya Se Pahele

ISBM 133-91-68343-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Manushya Jaati Ki Murkhatyen

ISBM 134-91-68344-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Brahmanda Aur Sambhal

ISBM 132-91-68342-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

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Shri Siddha Siddhant Nath Gatha

ISBM 131-91-68341-1
Book Type : E-Book

In the history of human civilisation, few extraordinary ‘Chetanas’, considered as the Beings with higher consciousness, have existed in the upper mountains of Himalayas, known as the Gurumandal. The Gurumandal emerged as the supreme guiding Light of spiritual illumination. They transcended the boundaries of ordinary and conventional understanding, who guided the seekers on the path of ‘Siddhatva’ (Supreme enlightenment) under the umbrella of Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas.

Amongst the Mahasiddhas of the Gurumandal, there is a Mahasiddha Guru Who stands apart, Who is the supreme Shining Sun of great knowledge, wisdom and Tapasya- The previous head of Kulant Peeth (Kaulantak Peeth) and Siddha Dharma Tradition, praised as the MahaHimalayadhipati, Mahasiddha Siddha Siddhanta Nath Ji Maharaj. He is the extraordinary Mahasiddha, the most revered in the recent history of Siddha Dharm, Who has traversed the realms of human experience to attain profound spiritual realization. This book presents the short life history of Shri Siddha Siddhant Nath Ji, His ‘Updesh’ (sermons) and vision.

290.00 190.00
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Mahasiddha Rasa Nath

ISBM 130-91-68340-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Mahasiddha Ne Muni

ISBM 129-91-68339-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Brahmandodari Sadhana

ISBM 128-91-68338-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Kula Devi Sara

ISBM 127-91-68337-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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The Himalayan Shaman

ISBM 126-91-68336-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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The Siddha Himalayan Calendar

ISBM 125-91-68335-1
Book Type : E-Book

A calendar is a system for organizing and measuring time, typically divided into days, weeks, months, and years. It provides a structured way to track the passage of time, schedule events, and coordinate activities in both personal and societal contexts. Calendars have been essential tools for human societies throughout history, aiding in agricultural planning, religious observances, governance, and social coordination.

The Siddha calendar is a complex and intricate system of timekeeping developed by the ancient Himalayan Siddhas, which still exist in the Himalayas like Kulant Peeth (Kaulantak Peeth) region. The Himalayan Siddhas are known for their advanced understanding of mathematics, astronomy, and cosmology, and their calendar system reflected their sophisticated approach to tracking time and cosmic cycles. This book illustrates all the counts and ways of the Siddha Calendar. The language of this is ‘Tankari’ and explanation is in ‘Kula Bhasha’ which was then translated in English.

290.00 190.00
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My Message For You

ISBM 124-91-68334-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Fear and Tantra

ISBM 123-91-68333-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Playing For You

ISBM 122-91-68332-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Ten Life Changing Stories

ISBM 121-91-68331-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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I Can Feel The Kaliyuga

ISBM 120-91-68330-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Beyond The Himalayas

ISBM 119-91-68329-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Bhava Samadhi

ISBM 118-91-68328-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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Origin Of Deva Parampara

ISBM 117-91-68327-1
Book Type : E-Book

The Divine Deva Dharm, which few people also call as ‘Siddha Devayaan’, has its origin in the widespread mountain ranges of Himalayas. This book elaborates the stories on how the Deva Dharm reached the Himalayas.

There are different folklores and stories about the origin of ‘Deva Dharm’ under the Siddha Dharm of Himalayan Siddhas. It also give the details on when did the Deva Dharma became popular as the ‘Deva Parampara’ amongst the people. What is the uniqueness of the ‘Deva Dharma’? How and why it impacted other human civilisations and cultures? Siddha Dharma’s ‘Deva Parampara’ respects nature, all animals, living beings and the Divine Powers of Nature.

There are five main pillars of Siddha Dharma out of which ‘Deva Parampara’ is one of them. ‘Deva Parampara’ is based on ‘Pratikopasana’ and ‘Deva Kala’, where ‘Deva Kala’ is of subtle nature and ‘Pratikopasana’ pertains to the gross world.

290.00 190.00
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ISBM 116-91-68326-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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ISBM 115-91-68325-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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ISBM 114-91-68324-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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ISBM 113-91-68323-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

290.00 190.00
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The Son Of Himalaya

ISBM 112-91-68322-1
Book Type : E-Book

This Book will be available Soon

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

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