
The Himalayan Shaman

ISBM 126-91-68336-1
Book Type : E-Book

Siddha Book Store is trying to bring more books on Siddha Dharma, Mysticism, Yoga, Tantra, Philosophy, Alchemy, History, Culture, Folk Traditions, Tribal Traditions and many other subjects pertaining to deep quests of human beings. We are trying to bring this book soon for you. At present, this book is on our edit table.

We take care that the books and the content published on is in accordance with the tradition and culture of the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas. We also try to make sure that there are least mistakes (as far as possible) regarding the culture, lineage and beliefs of the Himalayan Siddha ‘ Deva Dharma’.

These books are for knowledge and educational purpose. The books should not be taken as guide or as a remedy for your spiritual journey because the Himalayan Siddhas teaches that one gains knowledge through the Siddha Guru of Himalayas and not the Granth.

Books can contain the writers’ views also. The reader should be wise enough to understand the context.

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Most books in the tradition of ‘Siddha Dharm’ are still passed on under the ‘Maukhik Parampara’ (oral traditions) in the Guru-Shishya Parampara of the Himalayan Siddhas in ‘Kula Language’ and other local dialects. We are doing our best to compile the spiritual treasure of the local Himalayan Siddha tradition, folklores, songs, interviews, documentaries, religious festivals, research papers and so on.

Copper Plates Tree Books

In the Siddha Dharma tradition of the Himalayan Siddhas, the knowledge has always been passed down through the ‘Maukhik Parampara’ (oral tradition). But it became difficult to remember everything, so they began creating ‘Tamra Patra Granth Kosh’ since few hundred years in the lineage of the Himalayan Siddhas of Kaulantak Peeth (Kulant Peeth).

Any ‘Granth’ in the ‘Tamra Patra Granth Kosh’ includes the name of the sacred ‘Grath’, ‘Patals’ (name of chapters) and the ‘Charans’ (name and title of the chapters) so that the authorised ‘Acharya’ (traditional teacher) will pass on the knowledge pertaining to the ‘Ganth’ according to the same structure as has been followed in the tradition of the Himalayan Siddhas.

You can understand it as the ‘Table of Contents’ of a book.

Authenticity of Content

The lineage of Siddha Dharm is also including the ‘Sutras’ of the present Kaulantak Nath (Kulant Nath), Mahasiddha Ishaputra in the tradition of Siddha Dharm of Himalayan Siddhas at all levels and aspects of the great wisdom lineage also called as the ‘Kulant Kula’. will also present the ‘Granths’ that are being presented (and also written by Mahasiddha Ishaputra). Like few ‘Granths’ are presently being created on Nickel plates.

Please make sure that the content presented in any form (books, audios, videos, interviews, Granths, articles, research papers, pictures, research papers, artworks, paintings, sculptures and so on) is thoroughly checked and verified if it is in accordance with the authentic lineage of the Himalayan Siddhas known as Siddha Dharm. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the reader and the seeker to refer the authenticity of content labeled under the tradition of Himalayan Siddhas, at the authorised website of

Beware of Frauds and Plagiarism

Himalayan Siddhas predicted about the nature of people in the dark Yuga of Kaliyuga thousands of years back. They told that the world in ‘Kaliyuga’ will be populated by adharmis, conspirators, propagandist (political, ideological and others), kaliyugi, atheists, ‘paapi’, people with different political views, people from different cults and religions who have nothing to do with the essence of truth and Dharm. All such ‘kaliyugi’ people are infected with the inherent need to stain, defame, demolish an authentic lineage system which can tell about the truth and Dharma. They try to mislead the seekers, post fake, misleading, edited content or pose as a fake writer belonging to the Siddha Dharm tradition through their individual content, misleading quotes through online sites, social media or through offline actions. There are ‘adharmis’ (people who follow path of untruth and sins) who have tried to associate themselves with Siddha Dharm by joining different courses, events held by the authorised organisations under Siddha Dharm, but were expelled due to their conduct which was not according to the strict tradition of the Himalayan Siddhas.

The lineage of Himalayan Siddhas do not authorise anyone (unless mentioned on the authentic website) to write a saying, quote, content, comment under the name of the Siddha Dharm, of Kulant Nath (Kaulantak Nath) Mahasiddha Ishaputra and of any of the authorised Acharyas.

If you find any books, any artwork, quotes, audios, videos or content in any form that uses the name of Himalayan Siddhas, Siddhas of Himalayas, Siddha Dharm, ‘Deva Dharma’, ‘Deva Parampara’ of Himalayan Siddhas or anything that implies or refer to the lineage of Himalayan Siddhas/ Siddha Dharm/ Kaulantak Peeth/ Kulant Peeth/ Kulant Kula and so on, please report it to page. The intention behind the frauds is to malign, mislead the spiritual seekers who seek the path of truth or wish to enrich their spiritual journey. Please be aware.

Whenever you buy any books pertaining to the Siddha Dharm of the Himalayan Siddhas, please check if you are buying it or reading it from the authentic authorised source.

For any queries and doubts please get in touch.



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